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Challenging Transport Poverty Event

On 10 October 2019 we held an event at Kinning Park Complex as part of Challenge Poverty Week to discuss transport poverty, and what we can do to challenge it.

We heard from a range of speakers with lived experience of transport poverty as well as the Poverty and Inequality Commission, who released their report on Transport & Poverty in Scotland in June 2019.

Attendees spoke of solutions to transport poverty.

These included:

  • making public transport affordable with an easy to use Smartcard across all modes and operators
  • creating more space on buses for both wheelchair users and buggies
  • bringing back conductors who could offer assistance and ensure people with disabilities get a seat
  • creating a timetable that reflects the times people travel and ensuring routes run to local services such as the hospital, education, and local shops
  • making stations and bus stops fully accessible

It was agreed this would be easier to achieve if we had regulation and proper governance of transport.