Please come to our AGM to get involved Sign our new Scottish Parliament petition Come to our public meeting this August ZoneCard price hikes – we need bus regulation now! Tell SPT to scrap BSIPs & fast-track public control
The Scottish Parliament

Privacy Policy

What data we collect and why

Get Glasgow Moving collects and retains personal data from our supporters and members for the sole purpose of campaigning for a world-class, fully-integrated & accessible, publicly-owned & accountable, public transport network for everyone in our region, as defined in our constitution.

We collect personal data when you:

The personal data we collect and retain is limited to your: name and email address, and postal address (if you become a member) and any optional comments about the campaign you submit when you sign up.

What data we make public

If you choose to submit a comment when you become a member or make a donation via this website, we may contact you to ask permission to publish it as part of the campaign.

We will not make public any other personal data from our supporters and members, unless you become a Committee Member (in which case your name will appear in the About section of this website) or you are a current Affiliate Member (in which case your organisation’s name and logo will appear in the Our Affiliates section of this website).

What data we store and delete

The names and email addresses of our supporters are securely stored on our mailing list powered by Riseup. We send all supporters with a legitimate interest in our campaign’s objectives, a maximum of six emails per year with details of key activities and developments.

You can remove your personal data from this list at any time, by sending a blank email to:

The names and email addresses of our members (Full Members or Affiliate Members) are securely stored on our member’s email list hosted by Google Groups. Names and emails of members are only visible to other members.

Your personal data will be removed from our member’s email list each February as and when your membership lapses.

If you have any further questions or would like to access any of your personal data which Get Glasgow Moving may hold, or have it deleted, please contact us.