Get Glasgow Moving is a grassroots public transport campaign founded in 2016 by local people.
We agreed to adopt the constitution below at our first Annual General Meeting held on 8 January 2019.
The constitution entrusts the day-to-day running of the campaign to a volunteer Management Committee of 3-14 people drawn from our membership.
Membership is open to any individual who supports the campaign’s objectives (as defined in the constitution below) or to affiliate organisations.
In 2019 we received funding from the Foundation for Integrated Transport which enabled us to redesign our website and employ our campaigner, Rebecca Menzies, who worked with us from July 2019 – April 2020.
The 2024 Management Committee are: Ellie Harrison (Chairperson), Susan Galloway (Treasurer), Katy Thomson (Secretary), Brenda McKay, David Cody, Andrew Fry, Radeen Moncrieffe, Geraldine Clayton & Jack Allison.
Get Glasgow Moving Constitution
The name of the Group shall be Get Glasgow Moving, hereinafter referred to as “the Group”.
2.1 To help expand Greater Glasgow’s economy, address inequality and social isolation, reduce toxic levels of air pollution and tackle climate change, by campaigning for a world-class, fully-integrated & accessible, publicly-owned & accountable, public transport network for everyone in our region.
2.2 To campaign for
- a publicly-owned bus company for Greater Glasgow, which puts people before profit, and the re-regulation of the existing private bus companies (under ‘franchising’).
- a properly-funded, democratically-accountable ‘Transport for London-style’ regional transport authority which has power over the whole transport network (traffic/parking controls and public transport) as well as land-use planning, and which is constituted to re-invest all its income in expanding and improving services.
- ambitious schemes to improve, expand and better integrate the existing public transport network, including: extending the Subway, building the Glasgow Metro, Glasgow’s Crossrail and the Strathclyde Tram network and re-opening disused railway stations and lines.
- a simple multi-modal smartcard with a daily price cap.
- affordable fares and more free access to local public transport for marginalised groups, and eventually free public transport for all.
- any measures or initiatives that will improve, expand and better integrate Greater Glasgow’s active travel infrastructure and public transport network.
2.3 To be an autonomous and transparent passenger-led Group, which is not affiliated with any political parties.
2.4 To be an open and inclusive Group, which does not tolerate any form of discrimination against people with protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010, or against people from different socio-economic backgrounds.
The Group shall have the power to do anything that will properly further the foregoing objectives; in particular
3.1 to raise, spend and hold funds in a bank or other account
3.2 to promote and provide for the dissemination and exchange of knowledge and information
3.3 to employ and pay any person or persons to supervise, organise and carry out the work of the Group
3.4 to engage and pay fees to professional advisors/consultants to assist the work of the Group
3.5 to make representation to and enter into arrangements with national or local government and appropriate statutory or voluntary agencies
3.6 to take out membership of such organisations as are considered to be in the interest of and compatible with the objects of the Group
3.7 to take part in and/or conduct educational and training programmes, courses, seminars and events of all kinds directed towards the acquisition or development of skills which are relevant to the Group and its objectives.
4.1 Full membership of the Group shall be open to individuals who support the Group’s objectives. Individual members are entitled to vote at General Meetings of the Group.
4.2 Full members must pay a minimum annual subscription fee of £1, and agree to be contacted with updates on the Group’s activities.
4.3 Affiliate membership shall be open to voluntary and statutory organisations that wish to further the objectives of the Group. One representative of each affiliate member organisation is entitled to vote at General Meetings of the Group.
4.4 Affiliate members must pay a minimum annual subscription fee of £1. Affiliate member organisations agree to be publicly listed as ‘Our Affiliates’ on the Group’s website, and to be contacted with updates on the Group’s activities.
5.1 The affairs of the Group shall be directed by a Management Committee consisting of no less than 3 or more than 14 members, which reflects the public transport passengers and workforce of Greater Glasgow and strives to represent the communities outlined in 2.4.
5.2 All committee members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and shall serve for 1 year. Members shall then be eligible for re-election.
5.3 At its first meeting after the AGM, the Management Committee shall elect from amongst its members a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and such other officer bearers as the Management Committee shall from time to time decide.
5.4 The Management Committee may co-opt full members of the Group to fill any casual vacancies that arise on the committee. Any member appointed to fill such a vacancy shall hold office until the next AGM and shall be eligible for election to the committee at that meeting.
5.5 The Management Committee may also invite other interested individuals, or representatives of statutory or voluntary organisations, to serve on the committee in an advisory capacity. Advisory members shall not be entitled to vote.
5.6 The Management Committee shall meet at least 4 times a year.
5.7 One Office Bearer plus 3 other members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
5.8 The Management Committee shall keep an accurate record of proceedings at all committee and general meetings.
5.9 Members of the Management Committee shall be deemed to have resigned if they are absent from 3 consecutive meetings without giving apologies.
5.10 The Management Committee shall ensure that all Children and Vulnerable Adults who engage with the Group are protected from harm, in line with the Group’s Safeguarding Policy.
6.1 The Group’s financial year shall commence on 1 January each year.
6.2 All money and property received by the Group shall be used to further the objectives of the Group and shall not be used by any Office Bearer or other member of the Group except for expenditure properly incurred on its behalf or for out of pocket expenses.
6.3 A bank account shall be opened in the name of the Group and 3 members of the Management Committee, one of whom shall be the Treasurer, shall be authorised to sign cheques on behalf of the Group. All cheques must be signed by 2 of the 3 authorised signatories.
6.4 The Treasurer will keep an accurate record of all the Group’s income and expenditure and make regular reports to the committee. On an annual basis the accounts will be independently examined by a suitably qualified individual and the report will be presented to the Annual General Meeting.
6.5 No single member of the Management Committee shall be liable for any loss incurred by the Group, provided the action which led to the loss was made in good faith.
7.1 The AGM shall be held in February each year.
7.2 No less than 21 days’ notice shall be given to members of the Group of the time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted at the meeting.
7.3 Notice of resolutions for discussion at the AGM shall be given in writing, duly proposed and seconded, to the Secretary at least 14 days before the date of the AGM.
7.4 The quorum at an AGM shall consist of 4 or one-third of the total membership; whichever is the smaller.
8.1 An EGM may be called at any time by the Management Committee or at the written request of one-third of the total membership, addressed to the Secretary and clearly stating the purpose of the meeting.
8.2 Provided the purpose stated is legitimate, the EGM shall be called and conducted according to the rules of the AGM.
9.1 Voting at all meetings shall be on the basis of a simple majority except in regard to any amendment to the constitution or dissolution of the Group. In the event that voting is tied, the Chairperson shall have the deciding vote.
9.2 Any amendment to the constitution can only be passed at a general meeting of the Group by a majority of at least two-thirds of voting members present.
10.1 The Group may only be dissolved by at least a two-thirds majority of members casting their votes at a general meeting, the notice of which specifies the proposal to dissolve the Group.
10.2 Any funds or assets remaining after the proper payment of all debts and liabilities shall be given to another recognised charitable organisation that has similar objectives to those of the Group. In the event that effect cannot be given to this provision, any remaining assets shall be applied to some other charitable aim or objectives, as the membership shall decide.
This constitution for Get Glasgow Moving was adopted at the Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 8 January 2019 at Unite, John Smith House, 145-165 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 4RZ
This constitution was amended at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on Thursday 27 February 2020 at Unite, John Smith House, 145-165 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 4RZ
This constitution was amended at the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 7 February 2024 at Unite, John Smith House, 145-165 West Regent Street, Glasgow, G2 4RZ