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Public Meeting

Public Meeting to launch campaign

On 15 September 2016 we held a public meeting at Renfield St. Stephen’s to launch the campaign.

Attended by over one hundred people, a panel of local activists presented the many problems with Glasgow’s public transport, before discussing potential solutions with members of the audience to inform our first campaign manifesto.

The event was chaired by one of Get Glasgow Moving’s founders Andy Bowden.

The Panel included:

  • Jamie Caldwell, Unite Community organiser and founder and coordinator of the Haud the Bus campaign
  • Ellie Harrison, founder and coordinator of the Bring Back British Rail campaign and co-founder of Get Glasgow Moving
  • Pinar Aksu, local activist and initiator of the Scrap Glasgow Bus Fare Increases, Re-regulate Buses petition
  • Paul Sweeney (before his election as Labour MP for Glasgow North East in the General Election on 8 June 2017)

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