Join us for the launch for Miles better: Improving public transport in the Glasgow City Region at Glasgow City Chambers on Wednesday 25 October, 5-7pm.
Scottish Parliament
Make ScotRail Public Campaign
On 1 April 2020, we launched the Make ScotRail Public campaign to demand that a new public sector operator takes over running our railways when Abellio’s contract ends.
Transport Act Rally at the Scottish Parliament
After three years of campaigning, we held our third and final Rally at the Scottish Parliament to celebrate new powers for publicly-owned buses passed in the Transport Act.
Transport Bill Campaign
On 12 June 2019 we held another big Protest for Publicly-owned Buses at the Scottish Parliament for the second stage of the Transport Bill.
Transport Bill Stakeholder Event
On 24 October 2018 we went back to the Scottish Parliament to present our campaign’s demands at the Stakeholder Event for the Transport Bill.
Protest for Publicly-owned Buses for Scotland
We organised a protest for publicly-owned buses at the Scottish Parliament on the first day of evidence on the Transport Bill and submitted our petition with 10,184 signatures.