Read our response to the private bus companies’ ‘Glas-go’ proposal launched on 15 April in this article by Catriona Stewart for the Glasgow Times.
Bus Regulation on You & Yours
Our Chair, Ellie Harrison, was invited onto BBC Radio 4’s You & Yours to explain why lack of regulation over bus routes and fares is responsible for declining passenger numbers.
Public Transport Discussion on The Nine
Campaign Chair, Ellie Harrison, was invited to discuss the solutions to Scotland’s public transport problems on BBC Scotland’s The Nine.
Smart Cards on BBC News Scotland
Our chair, Ellie Harrison, was interviewed by BBC News Scotland following the launch of the Scottish Government’s new Smart Card scheme.
Publicly-owned Buses on BBC Radio Scotland
Our Chair, Ellie Harrison, was invited onto Good Morning Scotland to discuss the benefits of setting up a publicly-owned bus company for Glasgow.
Transport Bill Campaign
On 12 June 2019 we held another big Protest for Publicly-owned Buses at the Scottish Parliament for the second stage of the Transport Bill.