Please come to our AGM to get involved Sign our new Scottish Parliament petition Come to our public meeting this August ZoneCard price hikes – we need bus regulation now! Tell SPT to scrap BSIPs & fast-track public control
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Public Transport Hustings & other campaign events

Are you fed-up with Glasgow’s rip off buses? Are you annoyed that our buses, trains and Subway still don’t integrate properly with one simple ticket?

Then come and find out what each political party is proposing to do to transform our region’s public transport network if they win power. This is your chance to quiz Glasgow City Council candidates on their public transport policies ahead of the local elections on Thursday 5 May 2022.

The event will be chaired by journalist Karin Goodwin, with representatives from the following parties:

This will be an in-person event with limited capacity – please register in advance via Eventbrite. We’ll also be live streaming the event on our Facebook page for all those who can’t make it down.

Register for Event

Campaigning Days

We’ve been running Take Back Our Buses campaigning days all over the Glasgow City Region over the last few months, and still have two more to go.

Please come down and join us to help demand better public transport:

Bus Regulation: The Musical

And as if that isn’t enough, we’re also helping to put on a Musical about Bus Regulation(!) on Sunday 24 April at the CCA (see poster below).

Tickets are sold out at present, but you can join the waiting list or look out for the film of the event which we plan to release on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram the weekend before the election.

Bus Regulation: The Musical