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Petition Hand-in

Petition Hand-in to Glasgow City Council

In April – May 2018, Glasgow City Council ran the BE GOOD Public Transport Challenge consultation.

We wanted to make sure they realised just how BAD our city’s public transport is, so we got thousands of people to respond online.

On Friday 11 May 2018, to coincide with the consultation deadline, we took our 38 Degrees petition demanding ‘World-class transport for Glasgow’ to the City Chambers with 8,397 signatures.

Our aim was to provoke discussion amongst Councillors about what new powers our city needs to sort out its public transport, ahead of the Scottish Government’s consultation on the Transport Bill in summer 2018.

However, it then took eight months until we were invited into City Chambers to discuss our petition’s demands with Councillors on 24 January 2019.

Sign Our Petition