Please come to our AGM to get involved Sign our new Scottish Parliament petition Come to our public meeting this August ZoneCard price hikes – we need bus regulation now! Tell SPT to scrap BSIPs & fast-track public control
Better Buses for Strathclyde

Join our biggest Better Buses rally yet!

On Monday 4 December, the new ‘franchising’ powers in Scotland’s Transport Act 2019 finally come into force.

This means our regional transport authority – SPT – can now take our buses back into public control for the first time since they were deregulated by Thatcher’s government in 1986.

Sign the Petition

This offers a once-in-a-generation opportunity to totally transform of our public transport network – like Greater Manchester is now doing with its new Bee Network.

We must ensure that SPT seizes the powers! We are calling people from across Strathclyde’s 12 local authorities to join the new Better Buses for Strathclyde campaign.

Join our biggest Better Buses rally yet!

We are planning a big demonstration outside SPT’s offices ahead of their next board meeting on Friday 15 December, 9am. Please do everything you can to come down and make sure SPT get the message:

Demonstration: Take Our Buses back into Public Control
Friday 15 December 2023, 9am
SPT Offices, 131 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5JF

SPT is currently developing the new Strathclyde Regional Bus Strategy which will set the direction of bus policy for the next 15 years.

They will have made a decision on which powers in the Transport Act to take forward by January 2024, so this is a really crucial time to make your voice heard.