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Climate Emergency

Glasgow’s Climate Emergency

Following our presentation to Glasgow City Council on 24 January 2019, Get Glasgow Moving was invited to take part in the Council’s new Climate Emergency Working Group.

The Working Group ran a public consultation which was responded to by 1,437 people. The results showed:

A strong focus on transport issues, ranging from calls for greater investment and encouragement to bring about modal shifts towards cycling and walking through concerns around air quality and high levels of frustration at the current public transport system. Transport came up more often than any other subject in the responses to the consultation.

On 25 June 2019, campaign chair Ellie Harrison presented our recommendations for improving public transport to the group, including:

  • Regulating our bus network to achieve full integration across all transport modes
  • Setting up a publicly-owned bus company for the Glasgow region to reduce costs and improve services
  • Working towards a free public transport system like other forward-thinking towns and cities across the world

Many of these were taken forward to the final report which was presented by the ‘Environment, Sustainability & Carbon Reduction City Policy Committee’ on 27 August 2019. Our campaigner Rebecca Menzies spoke in support of the report, which was then approved by the Committee.

The final Climate Emergency Working Group Recommendations were approved by Glasgow City Council on 26 September 2019 and an implementation plan is expected in 2020.