Please come to our AGM to get involved Sign our new Scottish Parliament petition Come to our public meeting this August ZoneCard price hikes – we need bus regulation now! Tell SPT to scrap BSIPs & fast-track public control
Cost of a Single Bus Fare

Fair Fares Now! Sign our petition to cut bus fares

Sign Our Petition

We’re in a cost-of-living crisis. Energy prices and food prices are skyrocketing and now bus fares are too. Glasgow already had some of the most expensive buses in the UK.

But now privatised First Bus has hiked-up single fares by another 6% to an eye-watering £2.65. This is hitting the poorest people the hardest and it’s holding our city back – it just isn’t fair.

We’re calling on our regional transport authority, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) to use the powers in the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 to re-regulate bus services across Glasgow and the wider Strathclyde region so they can cut our fares to bring us in-line with other cities.